Advising, Planning and Recycling Old furniture for chain store, hotel and department store

Advising, Planning, and Recycling Old furniture (Display, Counter, Old furniture to new furniture, or a new product for a chain store, hotel, and department store
This service is suitable for chain stores, branches, hotels, shopping malls, etc. that have old furniture including display, counter, old palette, etc. a lot of stacks or disarms and wants to be resurrected to be beautiful and usable again. We help you reduce waste from old furniture. Reduce the use of new resources (wood, steel) that is as wasteful and wasteful as in the past You will have beautiful furniture or even new products used in your business. This service will slow down global warming in another point of view. We will help your plans, management revives the old furniture to look bright and beautiful again
This service may not reduce the cost of getting new furniture for your business, or new products processed from old furniture are cheaper which depends on design for this case. But you can tell your customers that your business understands the impact of environmental problems from the enormous amount of waste, which includes furniture waste that has been retired or not used any longer, however, you need to keep them somewhere or donate to some foundation that makes you feel better. KOKOBOARD offers you our consulting service to plan, design and recycle the old furniture back to live again. Your organization will be recognized as a smart consumer, a smart promoter that reuses furniture bravely. You can be a big hand to reduce environmental problems by reducing the use of new materials in making enormous furniture, as in the past. You give more time for nature to recover themselves longer.
Ours recycle old furniture service including, advising, consulting, planning, design, and reuse – recycle old furniture, covers disassembling old work (if needed) before assembling into new products. With a professional team in making furniture, woodwork, steelwork for events, decoration for hotels, resorts, and shops for more than 15 years. We also provide CNC wood cutting, laser services, UV printing, and a screening service. What we need of your cooperation is to determine your wooden/steel furniture to reuse or recycle. You will find that you have less furniture waste and new resources for making new furniture can be reduced too.