Q : What is Kokoboard ?
A : Kokoboard is wood-substitute board, made of agricultural by-product, The Eco-Friendly Material. Rice Straw Board and Coconut Dust Board meet the standard of Particle Board from Department of Science Service (DSS)
Rice Straw Board come up with additional property of flame retardant, moisture resistant, termite resistant and formaldehye free (Super E-0)
Q : What is Kokoboard made of?
A : Kokoboard, Eco-Material made of agricultural residue i.e. rice straw, grass, rice husk, peanut shell, coconut dust
In addition, we give the R&D Service to develop new material from customer left-over.
Q : What different if compared to other panel board product ?
A : Kokoboard develop our own knowledge and production line of making board in small scale, and focusing the use of agricultural residue as raw material in production process. Basically, the fundamental process idea is similar to making Particle Board, describe as preparing material with chopping raw material and moisture content control, then mixing with adhesive, forming and pressing. However the standard big production line is not work well with agricultural leftover, due to many condition need to be controlled but standard production process are not flexible enough and cost effective. These are explained as the size of 4.03’ x4.03’ boards (122×122 cm.) we do and still be in vary of texture.
Q : Are Vetiver Grass Board and Rice Straw Board are truly rigid.
A : Kokoboard, Rice Straw Board meet the property test of Particle Board at TIS and JIS standard. ไม้อัด particle board
Q : Is Kokoboard water resistant?
A : In theory, no natural wood is water resistant but we call them as moisture resistant. Yes, Kokoboard is high moisture resistant. We do the cyclic test with Rice Straw Board and Cocodust Board by putting them in boiling water for 1 hour, dry them and put them into cooling water for 24 hours. We repeat these process for 3 times altogether called Cyclic Test and our boards are still there with spring back about 2 millemeter, while particle board, mdf and hdf (wood floor product) are gone in first 3-10 minute. We have vdo clip show here.
Image of Kokoboard drowsing in big flood disaster in Thailand, 2011. Under 1 meter high flood for 1.5 month long, Rice Straw Board still there after big and long disaster, but they turn out dark, so the neighbor had them for the fence after that.
Image of bench in water, and still use at new office without fixing them.
Our history, bad memory with big proof.
Q : Is Kokoboard termite Resistant ?
A : Kokoboard is termite resistant with non-chemical added in.
Ther2 are 2 main methods to test termite resistant
- Test in the lab. Termite feeding simulation put the test (material) and keeps record for 6 month long.
- Put the test (material) in real place, real situation where termite nest live. And keep data for 6 month long.
The picture show our test in termite nest, comparing with Rice Straw Board, Coconut Dust Board, MDF and Particle Board
Q : What else we should learn about your material?
A : Kokoboard come up with strong property of
- High Moisutre Resistant
- Termite Resistant
- Flame Retardant กันลามไฟ UL94-V0
- Non-Formaldehyde, Super-E0
Q : What Kokoboard is good for?
A : Kokoboard is interior material as very unique texture, color and eco-material, you can smell the natural scent from the board. You can use them to decorate wall, ceiling, counter and furniture making. Our material textures are different from natural base from Rice Straw, Rice Husk, Vetiver Grass, Peanut Shell, Coconut Dust.
Our panel board come in size of 4.03’x4.03’ or 1.22 m x 1.22 m.
Rice Straw Board and Vetiver Grass Board come with 7 thicknesses those are 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 mm.
While Peanut Shell Board, Rice Husk Board and Cocodust board come with thickness of 10, 12, 15 and 20 mm.
Different thickness, different use
Q : Can Kokoboard use out door ?
A : No, but still applicable with Semi-outdoor (Under Roof) or dry area in shower room.
Q : Can it be drilled, cut, sanding, nail or screw ?
A : Yes, however different type of board come up with different rate. For example, Rice Husk Board and Peanut Shell Board are not as good as screw strength. But all are free formaldehyde, not harm to your health.
They all can be cut with jigsaw, circular saw, CNC and laser.
They all can be rivet, screw, nail, sanding, drilled.
You also can paint on it with some pigment, call for more information at (662) 979 8910 or (6680) 559 4446
Q : Size of Kokoboard ?
Our panel board come in size of 4.03’x4.03’ or 1.22 m x 1.22 m.
Rice Straw Board and Vetiver Grass Board come with 7 thicknesses those are 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 mm.
While Peanut Shell Board, Rice Husk Board and Cocodust board come with thickness of 10, 12, 15 and 20 mm.
Different thickness, different use
Q : Why don’t make Kokoboard in standard size
A : There are 2 main reasons.
- We are small SME, with budget limited.
- Standard big production line can not apply to work with various kind of agricultural left-over. Big production line need to aware of adequate volume and sustain raw material to feed the system while some left-over cannot be. Big production line can work with 1 material only, with giant invest in R&D to develop production line, sensitive for business return then there is no business men want to do.
Q : Why Kokoboard is expensive when compare to Particle Board or MDF
A : Agricultural left-over is not free and not cheap, if you want little of them, they are free, you can collect them yourself. But if you want a bunch of them which need machine to collect systematic, they are costly. Moreover they need to be prepared to be ready to the process which make raw material itself more expensive. Different material needs different method of preparation, different tools and different machine.
Kokoboard differentiate us by making Eco-Material and safe to users with non-formaldehyde emission material. We are using special glue which is very expensive but give us much additive property as explained above. You can prove it safety material by smelling the natural scent of board themselves
Q : Where we can buy Kokoboard ? Do you have local distributor in the State or Europe?
A : As small enterprise with pilot production plant, we have limited capacity of making board at 2 containers per month. We determine our self as tailor made service, then only special project can have Kokoboard, though this is not convenient, but less people have what you have. We deal directly with project owner, architecture and designer in general. If you interest to have us in your project, please contact us (6680)-559-4446 , (662)979-8910 or email your inquiry to kokoboard@yahoo.com , info@kokoboard.com We will quote you with the FOB price.
Q : Kokoboard seem benefit to many aspect ?
A : Many aspect with different point of view
1 No Forest makes this global warm to hot
Purchase Kokoboard help reduce deforestation, and CO2 emission from open burning. And raise awareness to local farmer
2 Kokoboard beautify from its unique texture, color and smell its naturally
3 Kokoboard is Super E0 (non-formaldehyde), safe to your and lovers health.
4 Kokoboard meet standard of panel board so why not using them
5 Kokoboard contain special property of flame retardant, moisture resistant, and termite resistant with non-chemical added in. so why not using us
6 Using Kokoboard means reduce CO2 emission from open burning in the field which no one else can think of costless and quickness way for the farmer. Kokoboard is truly creative way of value added to left-over at the moment instead of burn them in chamber to generate gas which too quick to go.
7. CSR project can do many thing for environment, including using Kokoboard in your project, we can calculate how much CO2 you can cut off and how many tree you can protect. So why not thinking of Kokoboard
Using Kokoboard is not only sustaining the social enterprise, but also sustain environment, our world. Why Not?